In the latter case it may have been equally valid to create the module directoryĪs net/sourceforge (if we are confident we aren't going to host any other The directory structure is not just a convention to ensure segregation of modules. However, I am not sure one has to go all the way there and whether Taken from the package structure inside the driver's JAR all the way to the sub-package where It is important that the directory branch ends with main. NB: the main in the above directory path is artificial but Mkdir -p net/sourceforge/jtds/jdbc/main … and did cd there.

I followed a kind of amalgam between the instructions foundĪre equally applicable to JBoss EAP 6 and/or 7. To define datasources in a standard (container-agnostic) way, but when I tried to implement There is anĪnswer in SO that asserts that it's possible "module" in the server which is unfortunate as it decreases my options in terms of scriptingĪnd cannot be captured in source control. JDBC driver inside my WAR (as I can do, e.g., in Tomcat).